how to maximize sales on poshmark

Woman reselling clothes online using a laptop
Photo from BULQ

Use Poshmark but your sales aren’t where you want them? I can give you a few pointers that I’ve learned on my journey from 0 to 70,000 followers and over 350 sales. It’s definitely a lot of work but if you want a side hustle, or if you have enough time to make this full time, this app can really benefit you.

I mentioned in my first post about Poshmark that I had been involved in a brief online session where a fellow posher talked about her tips, which I will be talking about as well. So thank you to her for giving me some new ideas. Poshmark is a lot more work than some people would think especially if you want those consistent sales. I think that I average about 1-2 a week, which is fine for me since I am currently a full-time student and have been applying to freelance jobs. But instead of making a sale a month, I ended up here, which is way better. Here are some things you can do:

1. Pick an Aesthetic for Your Closet & Keep Up With It

Choosing a good aesthetic for your closet is key. This has to do with taking well-lit photos of the items you are selling too. For example, my closet has all my items on my page but for each photo I used a couple fake plants to appeal to sellers because it appears aesthetically pleasing and clean. My profile as a whole uses a lot of green, blue and light pink. I have two posts I keep at the top of my profile which are my about and my disclaimer post. I recommend creating a disclaimer post for your account to set some rules or boundaries between you and your buyers. Even if they don’t all read it, it’s great to have to refer them to in case they have any questions or complaints about items they buy from you. Overall, you want your closet to be welcoming to others.

2. Optimize Listing Descriptions for Searches

You’re going to want to get as much possible attention and traffic to your closet as you can to increase your sales. The first thing you should do if you haven’t already, is go to your account by clicking the bottom right icon on the app, clicking on “sharing settings,” and tapping the search visibility button to make sure it is ON. This will help your listings become more noticeable and easier to find on major search engines like Google so that anyone looking for any of your items can find them. Another tip for this, is when filling out your item descriptions, use the entire title line, where you mention what the item is you’re selling, such as, “Nike Sweatpants.” Instead of saying the basics about the item, add in other keywords that buyers might type in on the internet like the color, size, style. So your title would end up looking like, “Nike Sweatpants Dri-Fit Grey Size XL,” which would show up if someone typed any of those words.

3. Mention Every Detail

Mentioning all the details about your item is very important. This will also help with search optimizing for buyers, but it will let them know exactly what they’re buying. Mentioning any flaws is a huge deal. If you sell those Nike Sweats and they have a massive hole in the waistband that you forgot to disclose, first off, here comes a negative one star review that will hurt your closet, but also, the buyer will most likely file a claim, which also looks bad on you, and send the item back to you resulting in you earning zero dollars. You don’t wanna deal with that, believe me. So, just disclose the little pea-sized coffee stain that you think no one will notice, Jessica.

4. Update Listings Frequently

The more you continually share or update the listings in your closet, the better. You just do this by clicking on the arrows that go in a circle on the bottom right of all your listings. Doing this either twice a day, once a day, or even every few days helps boost your listings back up to the top of a search page so that it’s a “fresh” item when someone is looking for it.

5. Spend Time on the App

I try to spend an hour or so a day on the app itself with either looking for items I want, updating listings and sharing other Poshmark users’ listing. Some people who use Poshmark are indifferent about if sharing other people’s items works, but I think it does. If you click on one of the many parties that Poshmark has a day and you just start sharing anyone’s listings, you will get people that share your listings back as well as follow your account, which is great! Also, if you ever want to host any parties, this helps you because you have to share a certain number of monthly community listings in order to be considered as a host for a party. It’s also nice to just interact with other users or mindless share items if you’re bored.

6. Interact with Potential Buyers

SCREAM AT YOUR BUYERS THAT YOUR ITEMS ARE FOR SALE. Kidding, kind of. So a great feature on Poshmark is you can see who likes your items, and you can make offers to likers through certain buttons on the app. But did you know that you can go to someone’s profile, go to the top right with their photo, click on the three little dots and hit switch to sell view which will allow you to add any items that they liked from your closet to a private bundle. You will also be able to send private messages to your buyers in this area. I use this feature to offer discounts and communicate with any people who like my items. Having a direct line of communication with buyers is key because you want to push the product to increase those sales.

7. Keyboard Shortcuts for Quicker Item Descriptions

This is kind of a fun bonus I learned about from that online course I had mentioned. If you have many things that you will be listing in one sitting, because sometimes I’ll have about 20 new items I have to write descriptions for, then this hack is useful. You go into your keyboard settings on your device, tap text replacement and viola. Come up with an easy to remember shortcut like “offtag,” which would mean my offer tag to buyers on my posts, that generates a larger phase like “Hi, thanks for stopping by, send me an offer!” This is so useful so that you don’t have to copy and paste the same phrase over and over, but also you just type your shortcut and BAM your long text appears and you just keep typing away at the description.

If you have any other questions about Poshmark or the app, send me a message on my contact page! I’m nice I promise. Thanks to those who read. xo